Campaign Name TBD Landing Page

Title TBD
Start Date TBD
End Date TBD
Total Episodes 0
Participants Connor/Luck Marineblue, Cinna Silvaria, Brokshi Brokshi, Sean Birdroads, Ash Rose,

I have nothing of a lead in to explain this series yet, because it hasn't started yet! We don't even have a name yet! Come back later when I have more to write! ^w^

Oh Jeez this formatting requires a lot of words to not be bad and squashed huh? I'll fix it in post but honestly I'll get enough words as we go it won't be an issue. Still, kinda ugly, huh? Maybe I could just plop in a gundam series summary here for funsies? nah too much effort. Boop a doop still doing text here though, gotta fill in the space.

This is a real awkward time to realise I don't actually know the flesh prison name of one of our players. Oops. I should fix that.

Just a little bit further and I'll push that sidebar down below everything else! We can do it, yes we can!

ねぇ こんな形の出逢いしか無かったの? 悲しいね

鳥のように My wishes over their airspace.
守りたまえ My life I trade in for your pain.

ねぇ 人はどうして繰り返しあやまちを重ねてく?
進化しない誰もに流れるこの血が 大嫌い


宿るだろう My wishes over their airspace.
叶うのなら My life I trade in for your pain.
どれだけ祈れば 天に届く?


鳥のように My wishes over their airspace.
守りたまえ My life I trade in for your pain.
振り向かず羽ばたけ この想いを運んで あの空を飛んでく


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